
By Poppy

Not Mother's Day . . . .

. . . . but beautiful Get Well flowers from my sister in law. As you'll see here I've been out of action for a few days, but am back home now.

Mr P has been brilliant,looking after all the animals and coming in to see me every day, sometimes twice, and I'm sure would have brought all sorts of goodies if I'd been allowed them! Was due to have an op on Thursday, but they surgeons ran out of time so, after being fasted all day, I then had to fast until the Friday morning. Was allowed to come home last night, with a big bag of drugs to keep me going!

Ollie was overjoyed to see me back home, and has barely left my side since! While I was away he hardly ate and spent the first couple of days looking for me and not settling. This morning Mr P went into town with a shopping list and when he came back he took me over to the ponies, where I put Nimbus's rug on her. I certainly didn't miss the weather - after being in a warm hospital with only a tiny bit of sky visible, it was quite a shock to come out and see sleet and hail!

Pretty boring time in hospital but had a lovely rest, slept well and at every opportunity! Managed to read three paperbacks, and do most of a Sudoku book - not what you'd call a productive week! Due to get the biopsy results in three weeks time, so it's just fingers crossed until then.

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