Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe

Panic sets in...

and I haven't even got a sandwich!

My older son drove me to Kent this morning so I could retrieve my Smart car that has been at the menders.

I'va always been phased by these motorway signs, so I took advantage of the slow traffic to blip this on the way back on the M25 near the M1 junction. -
The thought of being stuck here for the next 14 months............

P.S.Thanks for all your comments for yesterday's Royal blip, we had a real fun evening.

Oh and.... I had a major trauma at the Thames Crossing thismorning. The Smartie is a LHD so its always tricky at toll booths (in the UK) I chucked my £1 and 50p coin into the net and the barrier didn't rise.
I had to get out and walk round to see if the coins had been rejected, they hadn't. By now the queue was immense behind me...
I got back in the car, nothing happened, then pressed the panic 'help' button, nothing happened.
Cars behind were hooting, lots.
I pressed the help button again and this time someone asked what the problem was. He said he would send someone to help... It seemed like ages, I could feel the road rage building behind me.
Eventually a 'helper' aka 'Hard Woman' strolled over and told me I had only put £1.10p in.
She shouted at the cars behind and glared at me!
I told her I only had a £1 and a 50p, so how could I have put the incorrect amount in?
She glared more and said she would check the contents of the pay-booth,
"There are only 20ps in here" she said.
"So how does that work then? Either the machine or you are lacking in a basic grasp of monetry values. "
I thought.
"I'm raising the bar" she said
"How high?" I thought
I drove off, happy to be heading back north of the river. Tricky people on the south side.

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