MoonKats Pixels

By GailJones

Lazy photography

I didn't have any plan for today, switched on the TV to just have a quick look at the royal wedding, I had no idea I'd still be sitting in the same spot 2 hours later!

I thought I'd try to get a few photos of the wedding.....from my TV. I was so tempted to upload and then wondered if I would somehow infringe some kind of copy right law...checked other blips and realised something. I was being lazy.

It was lucky that we were going to a bbq round the inlaws- I always find something, if I leave the flat. Now isn't that strange?

So here we have it, celebratory bubbles, outside fire (tended to and managed by me :o) it was a bit smokey for a while, then all of a sudden...warmness :)

Photo: it's in focus!! hoooorrraaahhhh! :)

Wednesday's bit of nature

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