Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

By meganmacdonald

Champagne, champagne and yet more champagne

I probably enjoyed the Royal Wedding more than most. Yes, it could have been the fact that there are now numerous empty bottles of champagne and a lot of them are thanks to me, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I don't usually have much time for the royals but today was really a very beautiful occassion. And Kate, of course, looked stunning.

I only realise now how green this photo is but I think it was a mixture of the sun and the fact that the Water of Leith is a pretty darn green place anyway.

Went to the Brass Monkey with Emii, Freya and Megan; possibly the comfiest pub I've ever been to (which didn't help me at all seeing as all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep). Visited numerous bars and clubs but I was back at 3am after... not exactly the best end to a night I've ever had.. but at least it means I'm not tired for all the 'revision' I need to do.

Should probably start looking at some past papers seeing as I have no idea about what I'm doing in any of the exams I'm taking. Not exactly helpful.

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