John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

Enhancing imperfections... celebrate 365 I played a bit - at first glance I thought "Rubbish", then I thought "Actually, it kind of works!" And "enhancing imperfections" is certainly blip for me.

What kind of a community is blip - is it about image, or text, or friendship? The way it has worked for me in these 365 days is that I've enjoyed all three. But most of all I think of the small but significant number of people I communicate with every day. I keep thinking I should grow that circle, but, you know what, this is fine for me just now. I am privileged to share a lot with those couple of dozen people.

My day is brightened by Pete on my favourite Guernsey, and my friend Campbell's garden and grandwains, and Dogwithnobrain's zany and delightful reflections on family and life, and Mags' most beautiful shots around Glasgow.

Molly, dear Molly - the most gifted and generous of friends I may never meet in real life- she is the consummate word-smith, Cabbagetree's mountains that raise the spirits as well as the eyes, Mariner whose take on life at sea and on terra firma is deep and thoughtful, and Kath who points her camera out to sea and captures the immense beauty of it Such a great photographer. One day Kath will capture Mariner sailing by.

Bald Eagle and Noble Maggie - in the midst of busy lives they get out and about and record and comment and delight me, as people and blippers. Isn't "Booky Goatherd" the best blip-id ever? We've only 'met' - but I look forward now to her daily contribution. And Sara's artistry in Manchester. She seems such a great person. I love Mamas Tulips' work in Arizona, and Sandy's on the Kentucky-Tennessee border. And my friend Helen in Grand Rapids - such an encouraging blipper.

Ingunn in Oslo stirs the social conscience. Raspberry the cat is a very welcome visitor along with amazing wild life from Just Be's garden. I really enjoy the quick eye of the Wheel World and her delicious eclectic mix, and the immensely busy life of Squiffy who in the midst of his music and theatre work can still walk a beach and delight me.

Orchid99 - her wonderful blooms, and shots of Madeira have charmed me for months (and the warmth of her personality) she's great. And talking about warm personalities - Challenge - I can't work out how the most talented portrait photographer (with the most delectable models) finds time to be my friend. But I'm so pleased she does.

And nearer to home - Boundary Dweller somewhere to my north giving me fresh perspectives on the city. The talented flumgummery - just retired I am looking forward to more and more great Edinburgh blips from her. emh who has become a delightful friend in real life, and marchmont who since last week is becoming one! Oh, and congratulations Mrs Monochrome on that new arrival. And getting to know Dai... great blip yesterday!

Have I missed some out ? I'm sure I have - but just because my head is spinning with the joy of them all. But I haven't forgotten this pair. Diplomatic Diva is my blip twin - we started to post on the same day 365 days ago. We have managed one quick bite to eat - but then she's a busy Civil Servant in London, and I'm in Edinburgh so that?s a good excuse. She is a lovely lady. Bless you Jacqui!

Schlimm is an old friend! (For the sake of clarity I should say that's certainly not chronologically the case - she has a way to go even to get to 40!). Among the many things I owe her as a friend and as my supportive colleague, I also owe her for the special gift of getting me started on blip. Thank you, D!

So you see, compared to many, it's not such a big blip family. But they are good people, every one. And I'm very fond of them.

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