
I woke up at 4:30 to watch the Royal Wedding with Stine. Kate Middleton is absolutely gorgeous. Such a beautiful wedding and adorable couple.

Today was Riverfest and Foxfest here at Marist. Riverfest is basically a keg party thrown by the school for people over the age of 21 at the river. Foxfest is for everyone younger to distract them from the fact that they can't go to Riverfest. There was this bouncy thing pictured and then another bouncy toy and lots of free food. I went on this thing here it was a lot of fun did a lot of flipping. Foxfest would have been a lot more fun if the sun was out, it wasn't freezing, and it wasn't raining at times.

There was fireworks at night and I rolled down the hill multiple times with my Leo girls :) Tomorrow we are going to Six Flags and I'm quite excited!

"Sometimes talking can bring on the tears, and tears say what you can't."

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