Breakfast Anyone????
EWWWWW!!!! Probably not and I don't blame you!!!
Daughter E and I were intriqued by this bird with its meal. We weren't sure what the meal was, so the camera came out. After a close look I think it might be a hedgehog, poor thing!!! The photo was taken on the top floor of a car park building just as the shops were opening. There were some other gulls who were interested in the meal but they weren't getting a look in!!
Is the bird a Brown Skua? There were two Southern Black-backed Gulls but this bird was far larger than the gulls and quite aggressive. I'll fill the details in at a later date when we establish the type of bird.
A little different from yesterday's blip - another scene of tranquillity and beauty, if anyone is interested.
I hope to catch up with comments now and then give Daughter E a hand with homemade pizzas for tea, after that I'm going to relax infront of the TV with Hubby and Daugther E as my eyes are so tired, sore and runny from being at the river and having tooo many late nights.
A rattler came through just after 7am, a 5.2 which rattled our shoes and lingered. Not sure if Christchurch folk felt this one as it was centered more towards the mountains.
Enjoy the weekend :)
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