michigan man

By outdoorguy

Prom Night

Our local city is sometimes refered to as the "Gazebo City." We have 3 public gazebos, all pretty good-sized. This one downtown is probably the nicest and the biggest.

An area high school (Holly High) was holding their annual Junior Prom. For those who don't know what a prom is...it's a chance for the girls to look great in their fancy dresses, and the boys to look like dressed-up penguins. Just a joke...it's a fancy, formal dance.

I was downtown looking for ducks, and instead found penguins. I took a couple of pictures of the kids, and then saw one of my softball girls. (For the last two years, I was an assistant coach at Holly.) I gave her a hug, and then found the other little girl. Both of them looked splendid. As a dad, I wanted to have a few words with their dates, but opted to stay silent.

Every year I told my softball girls this prom story. I took the same girl to the prom for 3 straight years. The first year I had flood-pants on, but that's another story. After 3 proms, May rolled around again, and I said, "We don't have a prom to go to. Let's get married instead." That was 38 years ago, and she's still my sunshine.

I love to see people out and about, enjoying both the weather and our local parks. On the negative side, after spending many years on the local park board...I hate to see and hear of vandalism to our gazebos and other facilities.

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