No time to waste?

By jt


Had a short walk at Laird's Loch this evening - a fishing loch just on the north side of the Sidlaws on the Coupar Angus road. It is surprisingly absent of water birds, but there's a few deer, including one grazing on the other side of the loch for the entirety of our walk, and a lot of woodland birds - increasing each year as the young trees mature. This year it's a good job they are doing, because the broom and gorse is in very bad shape after this winter. This is a particular disappointment to us, as we love going there just for the smell of the gorse on a late spring afternoon....

Anyway, plenty of birdsong tonight - including at least 6-8 yellowhammers marking their territories, and that was just the ones within earshot of the path! Also at least two treecreepers - sorry this isn't perfectly sharp, the light was very low in the trees, but I love the character.

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