Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Live Entertainment

When the Danish equivalent of the BBC's, Friday night top rated TV talk show happens to broadcast the end of season show from your closest park it would be rude not to try and get a Blip. So I popped down an hour before the show (which is on live as I type) to see what gives. The host Anders Lund Madsen was on stage but nothing much happened. Then Nik & Jay (probably the top current band in Denmark atm) took to the stage for a quick sound check that turned into a whole number. At the time there were less than a hundred people there, so I got quite a good "stage" shot but this shows the context best.

Other guests that I didn't hang around for (there are thousands of poeple there now) include the primeminister, the leader of the opposition, a realityshow queen and an intelectual journalist type.

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