
By feorlean

Early Morning Ferry passing Jura

There are questions at every hustings, mainland or island, about the ferry service for it is a very essential part of living in Argyll for many people. In the last two weeks - and I have just checked - I have been on 22 ferry trips of some sort, mostly within the constituency but on occasion travelling across to Gourock to go to national events. I will certainly be on several more before polling day next Thursday.

So getting the service right is a big issue - and keeping it that way. This morning for example the Tarbert/Portavadie service (which takes 25 minutes) was cancelled due to a mechanical problem, resulting in - for me and my two passengers - a two hour drive round Loch Fyne. Prior to that I had come from Islay, a two hour journey in itself with, at the mid point, this view of the other boat coming the other way, with the Paps of Jura in the background and sunshine all around, though a little more wind than in recent days.

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