Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I want my camera back !!

I am thrashing wildly !! Look I am not ungrateful for my iPhone Mr W you lovely man ... BUT I AM WiLD WITH TEMPER ... I cannot fiddle about with this .. I keep playing angry birds too and it's making me angry .. Never mind the chuffing birds .. Also .. Also I keep buying apps ... Can I have a new camera ... Can I ? I promise to be reallykind to people ... (for a limited time) xxx. Blippers here is today's offering curtesy of an app as usual .... Sigh ...

Edited .. thank you for all the lovely comments,I am OVER ACTING.. not really furious..I am pretending to be thrashing,honest....the camera is only 4 months old and I was winding Mr W and my friends up.However I DO keep playing games and getting nothing done ...

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