Double take.

I know it's another flower shot, but they're in the garden and they are glorious just now... so no apologies there.

Anyway, the first week of non blip blipping has gone past rather quickly. The weekend was grey but it proved to be good for bog walking (a long story) and sighting deer. Then there was a lecture on addiction on Monday followed by the SNP gig in Glasgow on Tuesday. That caused a certain degree of consternation in the media and in the Labour party but we had a great time.

Yesterday saw a return to all things garden and the grass got it's second cut of the year. (I swear the first one just made it grow faster). Couldn't muster up much enthusiasm for going outside with a camera after that. So, yesterday's tulip was taken indoors while the man watched the football.

Don't know what I'm up to tomorrow yet. Am going to try and avoid the wedding but am not sure that will be physically possible. It was even on Iranian TV this morning. Hmmmm...

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