Big Hill

By bighill

Whispers, #3.

Shapes and shadows....light bending this way and that way....all suggestive of a whisper - or of a small moment in time....a sensation realised, an image recognised....culminating in an experience of light and shadow!

This process of playing with the blurring of reality, using my camera as a paint brush on a piece of very intriguing and reminds me of a series of paintings i did many years ago. I called them interior landscapes, and i totally loved creating them....part of the excitement came from the process of course, but also, finding the 'whisper' of whatever emotion was being touched....totally captivated me.... so ... maybe with the speed of creating these images i'm loosing something...but i'm gaining something too!! An immediacy that speaks to an inner feeling. I also think that at some point these images could be the basis of some new painting ideas!!

Lots of new things to explore.

Edit: Just done some math and dear old mother would have been 90 today....i love to try and image what she would have been like at this great age.....and i would love to know what she thought of me at this great age....nice to have some fantasies eh!!! I like to believe she would still have been trying to dance, and sing and laugh...she was a great spirit of a woman....and we had our difficult moments of course!!!

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