The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Introducing Nimr.

This is one of the two beautiful bengal cats that my mum looks after for a friend. The picture doesn't do him justice, he has the most stunning turquoise eyes and a lovely temperament. Right now however, he'd much rather be out on the other side of the fence. They're housecats see, and their owners have kindly (or not, whichever way you look at it) build them a small run into the back garden so they can be taunted by birds get some fresh air.

First day of placement was a huge success, had a great time and the OT team are super friendly. Was launched straight into interviews (observation only) and then attended a photoshop class with several out-patients. You never know, my pictures may actually start to get interesting if I learn something :P

For now I'll stick to what I know....

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