Loch Awe

Tuesday notes.
Early morning sunlight chancing through the gap in the bedroom curtains.
A cave woman act of cleaning and re setting the fire in the stove

Breakfast eaten to the sound of the stream outside the window babbling over the stones

A long cycle ride up the south side of Loch Awe to see the Falls of Blarghour, seven miles south of Cladich
The sunlight glancing though the trees and dappling the road ahead

The chill in the air in the lee of the woods and the warmth of the open road

No cars
Just us, no one else on the road

The trees in their new, delicate, spring finery
The primroses adorning the shady verges
The daffodils still resplendant up here in the cooler north

The diabolical road surface full of potholes, bad tarmac patching and surface gravel.
Views of the loch through the trees stretching for 20 miles ahead and shimmering blue under a paler sky, complete with white powder puff clouds

And on the way back

A lunch at Kilmartin Museum with a bottle of cider
Buying eggs from a lady who rescues battery hens, and seeing them restored to health and happiness

Returning home to sit in the sun and fall asleep

Lighting the fire
Sitting beside it and reading my book

No internet connection and no phone signal

A perfect Scottish spring day and one to cherish in my memory bank.

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