
By Appreciation

Hell's Angels

The conversation between these two and their pals was like a different language. Full of numbers and pistons, and other such technical details of which I know nothing. Each had their story and each drooled over the other bikes and various add-ons.

I remember as a young girl being afraid of bikers incase they were part of the dreaded Hell's Angels. I suppose even they get old. I wonder what music they listen to - Perhaps this? Or do they still eat rats heads for breakfast? I love how myths of childhood seem absurd as I get older.

It got me wondering - is this how a blipper's meeting would be? Drooling over the prized possessions, ooh-ings and ah-ings over lenses and add ons? And then I wondered are there any Biker Blippers. Perhaps, if there are, they have a sense of living in paradise?

I was so close today to asking for a shot rather than stealing one. Bottled it at the end as I was with mum and she was shouting that a train was coming and didn't I want that shot. Infact, I didn't bottle it I turned into that inner child and went off head down and in the huff! Like I say, Absurd.

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