Who knew?

By InOtherNews

No place like gnome

Brilliant title. Cracking. Popped over to see my old man earlier, and he still lives in the house I grew up in. This gnome is in the back garden. Literally with pun writing like that I should work for The Sun.

Still unable to comment on peoples pictures (or for that matter read comments on my own) which makes me feel a combination of ignorant / sad / cut off. This holiday is however a great benefit to me. I;ve visited a few people, lounged about doing as I please and leaving a trail of mess that I have no inclination to clean up. The flies love my kitchen.

I met Debbie for our second date last night, and all is going well. I may have mentioned she is gorgeous (to me. I mean seriously though, blond hair, blue eyes, warm smile...... and here's me with two white rings around my eyes from my sunglasses), but she has something about her persona that just presses a button in me. After two dates I'm quite comfortable saying I'm hooked, as is she. We've discussed a lot of stuff and I've held nothing back (seriously, nothing. Not even my little turn the other weekend). I suddenly feel that I can be honest without fear. It's odd. I've often jumped in feet first though as some people who read this can testify (one personally) but this is different. I'm a different person to six months ago.

It sounds kinda soft but I;ve always known what I've wanted, but not who I've wanted it with. I'm beginning to see that knowing where you're going is only half the battle.

Anyway we have another date this weekend (eeeek): a day out maybe at the seaside just having a laugh.

So this 'being happy' lark is all a bit odd isn't it? I wake up in the morning and actually want to get out of bed. Got to confess checking my phone every 39 seconds is a bit of a chore, especially seeing as when I do get a message I don't read it for ten minutes (saving it up as a treat) and then don't reply for twenty (don't wanna look desperate / need to make sure the reply is funny). Odd. I'm even reading a book at the minute about unsolved murders and feel positively upbeat.

Don't really have a lot to moan about. My Xbox crashed and I lost all my FIFA saved data which resulted in a broken controller (via the wall) but other than that I'm controlling the Mr Hyde quite well at the moment.

Check this: I even spoke positively about that wedding thats on telly Friday. I won't be watching it because I have better things to do (check my phone, not look at other peoples photos etc) but you have to admit something. Kate Middleton: you would, wouldn't you? (guys).

EDIT: Actually all that positive stuff made me feel sick so here goes:

I paid £13 for a set of rechargable AAA batteries and charger, only to find its USB connection only. That pissed me off. My car makes me put the code in the radio EVERYTIME I start the flaming engine, and thats for a tape deck and not even a CD. Cheeky bugger. I don't ask my Mum for a password everytime she comes home do I? No.

Actually another thing. Why do horse riders not have to pick up the horse mess? They have saddle bags and that, why do they get away with leaving it on the road? If it's good for the grass, why can't I go and crap in their fields (aside from the lack of Andrex)? Eh?


Aaaaaaah. Thats better.

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