Miniature Packages

The best things come in small packages.... especially if you're a fan of miniature things.
And I definitely am. (No crude comments, please.)

This is on loan from Jacob. There were several stipulations in order for me to borrow it: no scratching it, no using it as a nail file, no playing with it, no riding it with my fingers (that one was hard not to do). So.. I decided to just take a photo of it so I'll always remember how adorable miniature skateboards are.

I woke up today thinking it was Wednesday. Panicked because I hadn't packed yet for Allentown this weekend. So I packed in a frenzy, showered, got ready for class.. and then realized abruptly that it was only Tuesday. And I didn't have class. And I'm not leaving for Allentown until Thursday afternoon.

I've been having the crazy, crazy dreams. That tells me that my allergy medicine (Allegra) is crossing the ol' blood-brain barrier and invading my CNS. I need to stop taking them for a while. It's hard to convince myself to do that when I'm allergic to dust. (Give me a break, immune system.)

Best thing about today: Arrested Development watching party tonight. Jacob, Leah, and Brian came over and we got to introduce L and B to the wonderful (cancelled) world of the Bluth Family. So worth it. We finished the first disc of season 1. Hopefully they'll come back for more.


Saturday: Lightning Strikes
Sunday: Pre-Birds
Monday: Air Jacob

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