Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wednesday: No 10

So that's over and done with.  Nightshifts for this round finished and I promise I won't moan for at least four weeks (when I have to do them again).

Nightshifts will do funny things to people.  Take my colleague, Penfold, with whom nighttime madness manifests itself in her internet shopping.  Last night she bought the following:

- 1 pair of nerd glasses;
- 1 set of Pinocchio noses;
- 1 pair of Mr Spock ears
- a bald head wig (for which the customer feedback stated, and I quote: 'If you have a head shaped like a pyramid, or want it to smell of dog poo, this is the product for you'.  It is quite clear why this was a must -have).

I should point out that Penfold does not have any events lined up to which she might wear these items.

Behind these gates is the door to No 10.  I actually wanted to take a close-up of the door, but I kept on getting all kinds of glare on the very shiny front door.  I know they are just trying to show me up as my front door, which is also black, is nowhere near as shiny as theirs.

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