"Well, dude, that's cool"

Went to school at 11.50AM for lunch; certainly laid-back day! Had three lessons of English, then went home, because the Swedish lesson is cancelled on Tuesdays. It's nice to be able to come and go when you have the license to drive, so you don't have to worry about catching the bus and so on. It's annoying that there are only few buses driving the distance from my hometown to my high school. Should be more, so I'd utilize that possibility more often.

It disturbs me when some people don't have the nerve to come and speak out their questions and stuff face-to-face, but they still dare to send somebody else to speak out what they wanted to tell you. Uh, that's oafish. I'd enjoy it more, if people acted by themselves instead of that "puppet theatre feel" to everything. But, after all, people are people; you can't change them or the way they act, feel or think if they don't want it themselves. Still, that kind of action makes me feel frustrated.

Nah, tomorrow's gonna be a daft day. First, I'll have physiotherapy and after that one lesson of English, but then two lessons of nothing before the lesson where we get our lists of courses, which of we need to choose our courses for our final year. Quite impractical, I'd say. After the school I should deal with a massive stack of things that have piled up little by little. I've been unbelievably lazy (more than normally) lately and that really costs me time and grows stress now. And darkens my eye circles for sure, but I just need to remind myself that it's my very own fault that I haven't done those things earlier.

Hugo's eyes are always stunningly yellow, but he's a cat with no worries about stacks of this, that and the other thing. I'm a bit jealous, despite he's looking such serious in this shot. But oh, to be a cat!

Ps. Our elder cat Tiger just ate a cookie today. I don't quite know if that's normal, but he really ate it, lol! Dementia? Well, maybe.

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