
By BrightonDad

Horror show

Today, the thing that, as parents, we've feared may happen for some time, finally came to pass. Yes, today people, we heard the oft-uttered words "Where Sissi [Sophie] gone?", and for the first time ever, we couldn't answer. The world moved in slow-motion as the Bride and I looked first at each other, then at the pile of clothes and bags accumulated around the pushchair, then in the multitude of pockets that furnish the Maclaren. But to no avail - Sissi had indeed gone!

Long story short, we retraced our steps, looked over every wall, under every bush - nothing. Now it turns out that Sissi replacements are sold in shops all over Brighton. We've known this for some time and had often said we should have a 'reserve', just in case. So eventually, having explained to Bear 1 that Sissi had gone for a bath, the Bride traipsed off to the shop, tears in her eyes, to buy a replacement. 10 minutes later she returned with Sissi. A brand spanking, whiter than white Sissi. With lovely soft fur, the same floppy ears, dark eyes and a pink nose. There was however, one subtle difference which Bear 1 considered momentarily upon receipt of the freshly bathed Sissi - the absence of whiskers! No doubt some well-intentioned buyer was responding to a customer complaint about their easy detachment - though believe me they were subject to some serious stress testing on Sissi 1 - but, come on! In an instant I feared that we may have been sprung - Bear 1 scratched at the area where the whiskers should have been whilst Daddy explained that there had been an incident with a Barbeque at the swimming pool where Sissi was having a bath . Soon enough though Sissi was being hugged and squeezed and locked in cupboards and dragged through the mud and swung in the air, as if nothing had changed. So, when Bear 1's old enough to read this, she'll probably disown us, but until then it appears that a crisis has been averted.

Now, what about Bear 2 and Cow? Time to stock up me thinks.

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