Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph


"Well, I am undisciplined, unorgansied, easily distracted, non artistic, dyslexic and I don't even have my own camera - I think I'll join Blip."

That was my view when I started - I thought I could give it up if it didn't suit me, which, let's face it should be in 2 weeks time when my interest normally runs out on new things. But here I am putting up my 200th consecutive Blip and I can tell you no one is more supprised (and believe me there are a few who know me who are amazed).

After 2 weeks of Blipping I bought my first ever SLR (work was not happy me nicking their camera every night to Blip with) and I think the only advice I took was to use it on manual for the first few weeks - 180+ Blips later I still have not used a single "auto" setting (apart from auto focus). That, combined with living in Scandonavia where any photo taken after 3pm is considered a night shot, meant that I dropped myself in at the deep end. I also thought the standard set by Jord of SymiArt (who introduced me to Blip) was the norm and what I should be trying to emulate. Ha.

Anyhow I can see an improvement if the numbers mean anything. In my first 100 Blips I got 1 spotlight and in my second 100 I have had 50. My first 100 got 18,000 views I now have over 50,000. In the first 100 people didn't ask me to do proffesional jobs during the second I have been asked to do three. There are also the faves and ratings which are improved, so all indications are I'm doing something right and I hope it's not just the polite commenting (I hope that doesn't make me a "comment whore").

I hope that you enjoy my journal, I do put a lot of time and effort into trying to bring an original photo to the site everyday and it is nowhere near as easy as some others make it look but I do love the challange and the reward of taking a "good" photo more than all the numbers and stuff.

A bit of a rushed entry as I am at work, so I could well change the picture and the text this evening.

Thanks for all your encouragement and kind words - they motivate me more than I ever thought possible.


The Zoo was kind enough to errect this huge tower for me today - ain't I lucky?
See the dodgy "liquify"

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