In Between Days

By jase

Last Minute

Alana left finishing her homework till the day before going back to school. We get on at her about leaving it so late and we try to encourage her to get it out of the way and not leave it until the last minute. She does get better and hopefully she will learn that great feeling of getting it out of the way. What I don't tell her is that in my student days I was the master of leaving things until the last minute and have burnt the midnight oil on many many occasions. I never learnt! I also didn't get anything like the amount of homework she gets. In fact I am sure that when I was nine the word 'homework' meant absolutely nothing to me. Sometimes I think its a bit too much at such a young age. But then again, when she is older maybe she won't be burning the midnight oil like I did - because she will hopefully have learnt.

Back to work tomorrow too. I'm working Friday but at least its a shorter week.

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