Views of my world

By rosamund


I KNOW it was a lovely sunny bank holiday, and I KNOW I probably should have at least stepped foot over the door, but I started this jumper almost a year ago and I was DETERMINED that I would finish it before the anniversary of it's cast on.

AS a result I stayed up waaaay too late last night, had a long lie to compensate and spent the afternoon watching old movies with Freya and finishing it off. I am pleased with the result but I have been losing weight and it's almost too big! Hopefully I can shrink it a wee bit in the wash so it fits better. It's funny, the reason I went off doing it last year was because I had gained weight and was worried it would be too small.

If I had a better camera I could have shared with you images of a helicopter coming into position over a navy boat then winching a man down onto the boat, was great fun to watch, but poor iphone couldn't quite catch it, there's a grey boat, on a grey river with a wee grey dot floating above it - not exactly a great capture, shame onceasheep was shut today, would have been an awesome view from OAS.

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