
...and fuming.

Things get damaged and broken. I understand that. But I'd rather be told at the time and told the truth, rather than hear some lies that are issued forth in order to protect a friend.

One of James' "toys" - the drums for his Xbox - got broken this afternoon. He told me around 7.30pm. He told me he had knocked into them with his chair - I took one look at them and knew this couldn't be true. After harsh words and raised voices, he admitted that it was broken in the afternoon by one of his friends. I am not angry about the breakage - stuff like that happens and it is fixable most likely. I am furious about being lied to.

I was so angry that for the first time in a long time, I just went for a walk (grabbed camera first), took some utterly crap photos and have now butchered this one to within an inch of it's life. I'm still so angry that I could scream and more still for the fact that the photo is crap.

Makes it deeply ironic that I have been investigating Licentiateship for the RPS recently. Don't think I should even bother quite frankly.

Rarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It's going to be a horrible 30 minutes before bedtime..............and I am getting a bit fed up of being the big bad wolf when the cause of the situation is something that I keep asking him to sort - i.e. keep his room tidy. I know - all you long standing parents - laugh, then tell me its not going to get any better. I'll just go and lock myself in a dark room till I stop raging.

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