Trial and Error

By DawnC

Anas platyrhynchos

I've done quite well exercise-wise so far today, with a three mile walk with the dogs first thing followed by a ten mile ride with my cycle group. It was a lovely ride round the beautiful West Sussex countryside in perfect cycling weather. The only downside was that I was involved in a collision with another cyclist whose brakes failed when we were slowing down towards the bottom of a hill and we both ended up in a heap on the tarmac. We're both a bit battered and bruised but managed to complete the ride - and, in my case, take a few photos and do a Sainsbury's run on the way back! The cashier did ask what on earth I'd done to my arm which does look rather bloodied. I could have blipped it, I suppose, but I thought these ducks in Milland were nicer.

Meanwhile, the men are due back late tonight from their German Jolly so I'm going to spend the rest of the day preparing.

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