
By Nigel

A Feast of Friends

After dinner poker, I tried timelapsing it to get more practice but it didn't turn out particularly well. I probably should have got the tripod out and found a decent angle but after a mammoth day of preparing food I couldn't really be bothered. That and I didn't want to incur any more of the Guvnor's wrath at the poker turning into a camera club.

After yesterday spent cooking Lupe Pinto's Famous Chile Con Carne and Chorizo in Cider today I added Ribs (were going to be Bob the Chef's Ribs but turned into Nigel's Made up on the Spot Ribs), Asparagus Enrolado and Patatas Ailoi for starters and made some Refried Beans (which came out of a tin after unexpectedly boiling the bean pan dry last night) and rice to go with the chil. All awas served with a seemingly never ending supply of various accompaniments and condimets in small bowls which kept having to be moved around the table to make space.

Drinks included Bloody Maria's, Long Island Ice Teas and Margaritas a bit later on.

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