As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

You Do Matter, Meg!

Meg thinks that I don't think that she matters...but she does!

Track practice was cancelled today because it was pouring. I spread the word but Kenny was already there so he asked me to go on a run with him. I wanted to run and was stupid enough to go. It was really really really wet. I was soaked and freezing when I got home an hour later. And of course it starts to clear up after we finish. I sat around all day listening to my brother and James practice for The Cup tonight. I went to Applebee's with Meg, Mike, Chris, Andrea, Nick, and K-po before The Cup. We told the waiters that it was Mike's birthday (which it is tomorrow) but when they came he was in the bathroom so we had to tell them to stop singing and wait. It was a little awkward and they gave us weird looks for the rest of the night. But then he came back and they sang and we had a grand old time. Then I drove with Meg in her smart car to The Cup and she is an insane driver. She squeezed into spaces I never thought possible. We waited outside The Cup for about a half an hour before we got a table. We listened to James and Chris and they sounded great. I stayed until 12:30 to help them clean up. Some weird drunk guy came in with a box of roses and the guys that were working in The Cup spent like twenty minutes threatening to call the cops if he didn't leave. Apparently he's done this before... Then James drove me home and I read until 1:30.

Meg made these when she was wondering what to put on the CD cases James made. She did the artwork for all fifty of them! Go Meg!

Word of the Day: - Peregrinate - To travel or journey, especially to walk on foot

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