Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Clematis and clear skies

WOW! That's all I can say about today's weather. The forecast promised rain and falling temperatures. What we got was something quite different - wall to wall sunshine and beautiful blue skies; perfect Easter Sunday weather.

The day got off to a bad start with my youngest waking me at 7.05 wanting to know where the Easter eggs were! After sending him off with a flea in his ear I then had to dash for the toilet for a bout of the runs (sorry if you're eating!). I went back to bed for as long as was possible given that the pork I'd bought was huge and needed 4 hours cooking and managed to doze for a bit before my youngest returned. After getting up and starting the dinner the phone went to say that father-in-law had been ill in the night and wasn't coming so that meant that there would only be 8 of us for dinner. Dinner passed without any further trauma and my eldest son's trifle and the toffee and pecan roulade (not homemade I'm afraid to say) finished it off beautifully. We then headed into the garden leaving hubby to clear up the bomb site that was my kitchen!

All in all a lovely, family Easter. The guests have all gone now and I'm demolishing a huge box of chocs that my dad bought me under strict instruction not to share any! ;-) Thanks dad - they're yummy.

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