A Dream Remembered

By gotmilk

Luckily no worms in sight.

We climbed up to a hill that has a view over our entire city. I thought it might get me to labor hauling two kids in a stroller on top of the hill as well. I remember climbing that hill up and down when I was due having my first born. It didn't help at all. Now I was exhausted just to climb on top of it once! Well, nothing happened, I'm still in one piece.

Yesterday's witch tradition has long roots in Finland. Kids dress up as witches and go from door to door saying spells that wishes good health and fortune and then they give out these catkins they have decorated in exchange for candy. And in the evening there are huge bonfires at least one or two in each city (not sure about the whole country) and those bonfires are meant to banish all the evil witches (not the kids, kids are good witches :)) with their smoke. We didn't get to go to see a bonfire this year since my son went to sleep at the same time they set it on fire. Maybe next year I'll blip a bonfire! :)

Have a great sunday!

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