Snack shack

A brilliant day today. Sun shining and kids playing. My son's school requires 40 hours of parent volunteer time each school year (per family thank there won't be 80 hours required when my youngest goes too).

I was wrangled up by one of the other kindergarten parents to help run the Snack Shack during the soccer games (double headers) today. I was worried, like always, about all sorts of logistics. When I got there, my boys hit the playground and found one of my son's classmates to hang out with. She's one, that my son would consider, of his best friends. And my youngest is sure he'll marry her some day. Boys.

So a lot of laughs with adults and good times selling candies, cakes, muffins, cookies, hot dogs and libations to the many young and old. The sun shone its lovely face most of the day.

Stories about caves and earthquakes. Late, long naps and potato salad for dinner. Good times indeed.

The rains have come this evening, so it's an Easter indoors this year. Someone is coughing, so we'll see where that leads. Hopefully nowhere, but now I'm so cautious.

Looking forward to egg salad sandwiches tomorrow!

Oh...this shot was from the nursery fairly close to our house. It's a fun place to take the boys on a lovely day, and I managed to find some plants covered in little dewdrops. I liked this one, since there's a reflection of me and the sun. And the lovely people gave us a small tree in honor of Earth Day yesterday. The boys can't wait to plant it soon. View in large to see me better.

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