In the midnight garden
This photo was taken at 1 minute past midnight, of one of the new plants we got today, after our extensive gardening mission today.
I DESPISE gardening! Spiders, bugs and stinging bees - yuck, definitely not my idea of fun!
So I got stung my a bee for NO reason at all, got muddy, sweaty and generally really very unattractive, and then I took the dogs for a walk with my mum to the park.
We came back, and the sun was setting, and the front garden looked beautiful, so it was kind of worth it in the end, apart from the bee sting, which has made the back of my leg swell, it hurts!
But the garden at midnight looks stunning, especially with the new solar lights (with which I attempted a little light painting... it didn't work too well) so I took a photo of the work I did yesterday, at midnight for you all.
I think I turned out well, especially being so close up.
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