
By Fi


This last year has just gone sooooo fast. I've just activated the 'one year ago' feature because I realised that I started Blipping one year ago yesterday. My first blip was a tin of baked beans!!!!

Today's blip is slightly more creative, in that it isn't what it looks like if that makes any sense. My original blipidea for today turned into this. Although, it probably won't appear until tomorrow because the Exif data thingy didn't work.

I haven't been anywhere exciting today, other than work and hotel. I was invited for drinks at a fellow Pilates-er's house last night. That was nice and civilised, Suha and her Jordanian friends did their very best to not speak Arabic too much! They'd all studied in the US/UK/Switzerland, so their English was perfect. A little bit of wine and conversation.... homemade hummous and tabbouleh with nibbles too. Hmmmmm.

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