By wellsforzoe

In the sticks

Harisen dropped in to Zambia village, Mzgora today as the Department of Agriculture Research Station is in the same area, about 38 km from Mzuzu, and really in the back of beyonds, the sticks.
Primary School: 10 km
Shop: 38 km
Hospital 38 km
Market 38km
If you get very ill you probably die. If you have a difficult child birth you can walk, cycle or wheekbarrow, 38 km, or just die.
I shouldn't be so gloomy they're definitely not.

Harisen writes:

I went to the Research Department, and they were saying that most plants/seeds are not restricted, they gave me a form to fill the names of plants/seeds we are importing, so they should give an approved certificate for the seeds/plants, and then we should send the approved certificate to the company that is sending the seeds so that there should not be any problem when sending or afterwards.

I was un able to finish filling the form because i was not sure of the rootstock's specific names, if you can email the names so that i can indicate on the form.

I can scan the forms and send them on email.

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