With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I won't bore you with the details of the more ludicrous parts of our Ryanair experience. I opted for the hang out and hang lose method of coping with the ridiculous behaviour of some travellers and staff. It's a miracle no one had a nervous breakdown and judging by the slap bang landing, I think the pilot was the closest. We chilled at the back and didn't give a damn. Taxi to AKHF and mv's, cup of tea, boys into bed, chat and snore until far too late. Luxury travel. The next morning, we had a good breakfast and then decamped to Formby thanks to Merseyrail. Much more effiecient. Much more fun. And nothing like getting to Mrs Pepperpot's under our own steam trundling the bags down the road.

The weather is glorious and the boys just disappeared into the garden......

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