This, That And the Other

By Kersting

Mom's Little Easter Bunny!

Ok so she isn't a bunny, but Grace wanted to make sure that she got a blip photo in this week. With tomorrow being full of fun and food we might forget about Grace.

As you can see mom needs to get going on the Easter baskets but she only has to make four of them so it wont take her much time. Grace wanted to help by putting the grass in each basket and then putting the bunny in this basket.

This basket isn't mine but it's my brothers girlfriends and I wanted a picture of Grace with a basket but didn't want her to eat the candy so we used the bunny!

9:10 a.m.
It rained last night and it looks like we might get more rain today. I hope the weather is better tomorrow because I have to eat at two different places.

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