A Public holiday, and glorious weather? Hard to believe but it was true, and it's still only April. We'll be lucky to have such weather in the Summer. I have childhood memories of helping out with "the lambing" on farms during Easter holidays, and often there was sleet and snow!

There's been little rain of late, so most whitewater kayakers/paddlers have been somewhat glum. Fortunately there is some guaranteed rivers flowing in such conditions. Many of the hydro dammed rivers have to periodically release some water in the Summer. This allows the fish to move about, and helps to keep the river alive.

The River Garry, by Invergarry (and not the river in Perthshire) is regarded as Scotland's top "play river" by most of the whitewater community - kayakers, rafters, and others. There was a dam release timetabled for today, so whitewater enthusiasts from far and wide were there, and had a fantastic day.

I took far too many photos. Here the subject has blinked, and is out of focus. That would normally result in the photo being culled in the first run through, unless there's some redeeming feature. The autofocus here has locked on to the splash of water in front of the subject, and I liked the pattern.

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