naf stuff

By naf

Not 3D

I hate putting up rubbish blips. But I hate not putting a blip up at all even more. So here is todays blip.

It was, once again, wet and windy so not a day for going out to blip. I was inclined to do another "rain on the window" blip but decided against it. Instead I chose to photograph a picture of some rain which I have on the wall - it's 3d (in real life) and changes as you walk past.

I liked Okeh's blip yesterday. A great way to get everyone talking!

My Monday was ok. Pretty work orientated. And I started my study for a course I have in a couple of weeks. The pre-reading landed on my doorstep last Friday so thought I should start making inroads into the 200+ page book they sent. :/

And then Highland Dancing again last night. Better this week as we didn't have to learn much new. I might even be getting the hang of it!

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