Look again...do you see?!

By edwardtillard


Day 1 of my team building/activities week at Brenscombe Outdoor Centre!

Shall I explain...I am an apprentice at Cobham Mission Equipment and every year the first and third years go to Brenscombe Activity Centre (Near Studland and Corfe Castle) for 4 days of team building and personal development activities.

Our morning started with Canoeing in Poole Harbour, which inevitably ended with everyone getting wet! Then the afternoon was filled with challenge activities, to complete tasks such as the "Dinosaurs Nest", "Proving the existence of time curves" (yes to prove time travel is possible....) and "Crossing the impassible river". Of course these are all about have good leadership, delegation, problem solving and team work. Our team "Team Charlie Sheen" were WINNERS!!! haha

Finally to end the day we spent 2 hours in the evening orienteering in teams to collect answers which would enable us to win a group prize. Our team were the "running" team, as we had the furthest to go...we ran and this was our furthest point before we returned. I'm so glad I took my camera even if carting an SLR while running is a pain! The best bit was we returned completely shattered and out of breath to find we were the first back...at least we did our bit :P

Oh and I dunno why but I have assumed you will know what this is...tis Corfe Castle as dusk and well the comment "Steady...Steady..." relates to the fact, I was shaking and rushing so didn't exactly get the best photo to be honest :P

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