Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Big Day!!!

Back blipped.

115th Boston Marathon. Mr CleanSlate left the hotel at 5.40am to catch the shuttle bus to the start at Hopkinton. I paced....and fretted....and paced a bit more. So far there had been nothing but cloud, torrential rain and gale force winds but this morning, boy did the sun come out. The news kept talking about the 'ideal weather conditions', clearly no-one at ABC owns a pair of trainers (certainly they wouldn't call them that!) Anyway, I passed the morning well enough, Wired Puppy for breakfast (obviously) and then a walk to the Charles River for some blippin'!!

It was lovely and sunny but still incredibly windy, as you can see from this shot at the shore. I had some other nice ones of the skyline but when I showed him, Mr CleanSlate asked whether Boston was on a slope, so I think I might need to review my camera angles before blipping skylines again!

Boston marathon is renowned for being very hilly (notably Heartbreak Hill!) but Mr CleanSlate said it was worse than he even imagined. With the addition of blistering (literally) heat, he didn't quite get the time he was aiming for and came in at 3.15hrs. How a man can be unhappy with that time baffles me beyond belief, but I married a perfectionist and must pay the price :-)

But we still managed to hobble around a bit in the evening. Seriously....... I had spent a good 12 minutes on tip toes looking through a crowd 5 deep for Mr CleanSlate to pass by, so my calves were feeling tender! Not the day to look for sympathy?? Oh, OK then.....

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