From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS


Well, nearly.

I have FINALLY finished the hardest essay I have ever undertaken. I wanted to talk about the author Karin Slaughter's books, focussing on one character, Lena Adams and how she becomes the victim of domestic abuse.

I never thought it would be so hard; never considered the memories it would unearth around my own past; never dreamt of the nightmares I would incur...

One in four women in the UK will face domestic abuse during their lives, and it can happen to anyone, not just a weak person; strong, independent women can be victims. It's a truth that vulnerability attracts predators, this is something I know personally.

So, I raise a glass to myself for getting it done and to all the people who have suffered from domestic abuse, both male and female (yes, there are 'battered husband's as well as wives)

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