
By craftynini


Ok, it goes like this:

me: "oh look, theres a buzzy bee on those floweres we picked, I'll just get my camera".

Opendoor: "S'ok, I've got it".

me (Thinking.Trying not to get angry): "what does he mean by that - it's my blip". (Now feeling my anxiety levels rise at the thought of not getting the bee blip)

me: Now running into the kitchen, to find Opendoor with his camera stuck in the bees face.

me: now practically pushing Opendoor out of the way and grateful there are no sharp objects close by. "That's my blip" (I'm now shouting).

Opendoor: "B****r off.

So here is the bee, blipped by Opendoor!

Just to follow up from the 'baldy headed incident' the other day. The idiot wrote a 3 page letter outlining what I said to him and it has been kept on file at the allotment. I'm on best behaviour now .. ... but not really.... tosser.....

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