Mountain Travels

By seanhayes

A secret place...

As mentioned here, kookyinthelakes and I have been exploring a little used path nearby.

I spotted this waterfall from the path above, and knew it would make a good shot, but the water course has carved out quite a deep ravine so I knew access wouldn't be easy just on foot.

This afternoon we returned, armed with a rope and climbing kit, and I lowered myself in. Turns out the rock on the left was blocking my view on the first attempt - I was river right (on the right hand bank as the water flows), or on the left of the waterfall as you look at it.

A short abseil in further up the creek, a wade across in my trusty wellies, a scramble across, and lower in again to get this shot from the other side.
I did manage to get a few shots, but all with the trusty shockproof, waterproof Olympus (I wasn't going to risk any other camera!), and whilst dangling off the rope, so not the best.

Route reversal to get back to the path, and many thanks to Kookyinthelakes for helping with the ropes, and hanging around just in case.

One for the future, with a tripod, and better camera? For sure!

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