Oilseed Rape under the Haar

Another day with the haar in evidence. This morning was not too bad but by late afternoon, temperature plummeted as the haar blew in. I had to go inside and do housework. That is how bad it was. My purchases from the garden centre this morning remain unplanted. Very disappointing

This morning I headed to the hairdressers for a bit of a trim. I had specifically requested not to have baboon bottom lady but lo and behold when I got there my young lad was off ill and funnily enough baboon bottom lady had a spare slot. I had no choice :( I was firm with her this time and the cut is much better than the last disaster. And I got the vibrating chair - result!

Off out tomorrow for a visit with the reprobates to Cats and Dogs Hopefully some puppy petting and some eggs will be involved.

Time to chill now :)

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