Jibba Jabba

By jibbajabba

Aston Villa or Alternative Vote!

Arrived back in Orkney this aftenoon. After unloading the car, Mrs U decided the dogs needed a walk and as she was preparing dinner I was in the chair!

I really didn't mind because I don't feel as though I am really back here until I have taken the dogs along the cliff top and seen the nesting gulls and a seal!. You could almost reach out and touch the gulls as they skirted along the cliff edge on the thermals and yes my old mate Sammy the seal was there off the headland to greet me. It doesn't get much better than this, except, my plan to get away from it all including the upcoming referendum was shot to hell when on the way back from the cliffs I came across this shot. It would appear that the vote has already been cast here, but I am not sure which figure is the yeps and which is the nopes. I satisfied myself instead with the realisation that the figures have nothing to do with voting, there must be a closet Villa supporter up here wishing that the numbers represented their next away result!! fat chance. Sorry, it always gets round to footy and was I pleased or was I pleased to see the Toon get safe (I hope) last night against Manchester USA.

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