All that is beautiful

By sharob


What a beautiful day it's been today!

Expecting a friend round this morning, she usually comes around once a week but was much later than usual, made me worry a little incase she'd had an accident or perhaps fallen out with me as I know I don't call her as often as she calls me .. eek! Anyway all was well and she turned up - lucky I made double the recipe for scones as they turned up just in time for lunch. Lunch was more grazing affair today, just let the children pick what they liked when they liked rather than try to make them eat a set meal .. After lunch, they all run through the sprinkler which they absolutely loved! Even Storm enjoyed it .. Here she is running away from the sprinkler .. blip choice was difficult this evening, here is the one that didn't make it ..

We think that Storm is teething, she's been in such a bad state for a few days now and we've finally figured that it might be teething now. She's absolutely grumpy, crying all the time.

Anyhow it's been a wonderful day, full of giggles and fun .. the sort of day we love!

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