Wednesday: Floral Splendour

There are so many lovely floral photos on Blip at the moment, showing gardens and flowers in full bloom.  So I couldn't let this opportunity pass without showing you the magnificent splendour that is the wisteria on the front of our house.  Is it not splendid?

The wretched thing has not flowered once!  It just gets an abundance of scraggy leaves and this year it doesn't even seem to be getting that!  I think we may have killed it through overenthusiastic pruning.....

Other highlight of the day is that, after our car saga of a few weeks ago, we picked up our brand new car this morning.  We are delighted with it, but is there anything more nerve-wracking than negotiating the Chiswick Roundabout in a brand new vehicle!  There isn't, I tell you!

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