Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Trencrom Hill

It is really, really hot here today and my owner wanted to spend all day basking on the sun terrace. It was too hot for me so I've been lying on the kitchen floor where it's nice and cool.

Eventually though, the sun terrace even got too hot for Ann so this afternoon I went for my walk up Trencrom Hill where there was a slight breeze. I found a muddy puddle at the top of the hill which I wallowed in to cool down.

Ann's got a few jobs to do and then she says it'll be time for an early evening glass of wine on the sun terrace. Honestly, she's obsessed with wine and sun .......... I've told her she'll end up a wrinkly, old wino .............. but she doesn't always listen to me??!!!!!

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