
By Chaos

Turnagain Sun

In February there can be some longer clear blue sky days.

The tide was going out quite rapidly from the Turnagain Arm. As the water receded many ice chunks were caught up upon the muddy shore. Also, many chunks of ice were swept away to melt in the sea water of the Cook Inlet.

The Cook Inlet was named after Capt. James Cook by George Vancouver who served with Cook in 1778. This body of water, the Turnagain Arm of the Cook Inlet juts south from Anchorage, was named so by William Bligh while sailing with Capt. Cook on his last voyage.

While searching for the Northwest Passage a party was dispatched down the Turnagain Arm only to find a river in the distance. The expedition could go no farther, thus they had to Turn Again and retreat back out the Cook Inlet to the Gulf of Alaska and the sea. The name Turnagain stuck to the south arm of the inlet.

It's not a warm as it looks, only 21 degrees F (-6 degrees C)

I am posting early again today! Woo Hoo! I think the sun has revitalized me. They say it stimulates the pituitary gland.

Thank you Mr. Sol!

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